Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Enlisting and Providing Support

  • Questions you have with which your colleagues may be able to provide help and support

  • I am researching Special Education Laws and the rights and responsibilities of the parents of special education children. Through my research I am wanting to create a tool such as a resource guide that provides parents with helpful information. The information is going to be list of frequently used terms within an IEP or IFSP as well as other resources that parents could use. I am planning on using Power Point to present my Advocacy Action Plan. I have been fine tuning this for a while now and I just keep getting frustrated because I am such a perfectionist with things like this. I do not want to present something that looks unproffessional becuase that would defeat the purpose of my Action Plan.

    A question that I have is as my fellow colleagues is there any information that you think would help parents and be beneficial for my resource guide?

  • Resources and information you are seeking

  • Information that I am seeking is any information that parents may not understand with the whole IEP process. I want to make sure that in my Advocacy efforts that I cover as many things as possible to help the parents with Special Education children.

  • Resources and/or information you have found helpful and insightful

  • Information that I have found helpful has been interviews with parents about what they have found most frustrating with their IEP meetings and getting the help their children need.  I also found the website IDEA.gov very helpful because it has all the updates on teh changes to the laws as well as information regarding IEPs and IFSPs.


    1. Hi Kristina ,
      Looks like you have it down. Good idea I think you can be helpful resource to help your families. To help them understand and have a clearer idea of the IEP meetings, and plans for their children's education. What a great advocacy plan. Hope all goes well.

    2. Hello Kristina,

      Don't get frustrated you are going to do fine. I did a Power Point presentation last year and think that they are effective and help get your points across. As far as wanting your parents to understand IEP process just let them know that each school student that receives special education must have IEP that is designed especially for that student to helps teachers, personnel, other students etc. to improve children with disability education. Good luck!!

      Wilza Louis

    3. Hello Kristina
      I think that this information will be helpful for your parents to understand the whole IEP process. At my job, the general education teacher, the exceptional education teacher, and parents design the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) objectives, activities, as well as examine the unique capabilities and needs of the student. Consistent parental communication is required in order to ensure and maintain involvement. I believe that this type of engagement provides reassurance to the parents and the students. Once the staffs has met and develops goals and decide upon the services, there is ongoing monitoring and evaluation by the staff. They provide activities and skills that follow the guidelines of the IEP to enhance the child’s developmental delays. They provide activities and skills guided by their IEP to ensure that they are maximizing their growth through individualization. They, as teachers make sure that the strategies they implement are grounded in the understanding and the application approach to meet the needs of the young children in a natural setting, so that the child is not uncomfortable.

      Shawanda Fairley

    4. Hello-
      I am also frustrated but trying to hang in there. I am a perfectionist too. I am also having a hard time putting my action plan together. I think that Power Point is a great way to present your presentation. As far as what other information parent’s need to know I would think that making them aware of how an IEP can help their child is important. Many parents don’t want their child labeled but don’t understand the benefits of an IEP. Also maybe some kind of information that explains the terminology that is used in an IEP meetings so they don't feel so lost and unaware of what is going on.
      - Natalie Furzland

      1. Natalie, Thanks I am trying to compile a list of terms for the presentation however it seems to start to look like a dictonary and less like a resource guide. I am going to keep it with what I have and find out what the group says after I present it.

    5. The IDEA website is a great place to get information. Have you checked out the US Dept of Education Office of Special Education Programs? Here is a link to their website:http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/osep/index.html. They have a lot of information and resources there as well about supporting local school districts in their special education efforts.
      I am doing a PowerPoint because I didn't want to just stand up and read to everyone, and it is not very long. Before my presentation I explained to everyone what I will be doing and I told them I want them to give me as much feedback as they can regarding their thoughts and ideas, as well as any changes I should make.

      Good luck!

      Ruth Van Duzer

      1. Ruth, Thanks for the information and the link. I too explained what it was that I was planning on presenting. I also have been asking for feedback and information this whole process and I also asked for complete honesty after my presentation.

    6. Love the Pic.....He's handsome ;)...Anyway....
      I believe all information and resources are vital when it comes to informing the parents. I beleive it is a blueprint to enhancing how a child learns. Besides parent involement is a great motivation tool.

    7. Hello, well to answers your question about your resource guide I think is make sure you fully explain the terms; and make the content understandable for every parent. To be honest some parents don't have comprehension levels to undertand the terms of an IEP and IFSP. I would even modifiy the terms for clarity and understanding. I'm all for getting parents involved my advocate effort is to increase parental involvement. I hope this helps!!!

      Good luck on your presentation...

      Lamon Phillips
